South Coast
I haven't pre-written anything though, so I shall just ramble on a bit about the last few days:
After one night in Dover marina we shipped out into the outer harbour and dropped the hook. We were the only boat lying at anchor but slowly more boats joined us.
Although the anchor was holding the skipper was still slightly nervous and he ended up ordering anchor watch, much to the crews dissapointment. However, it was kind of nice sitting up late swinging around the anchor.
Next day a tired crew and cap'n headed for Eastborne which was unremarkable except for the ASDA superstore! Our hero spent about an our loading his trolley with some of the goodies he has missed in the last months (tinned custard, rice pud, beans, tinned curry......etc, etc.).
From the delights of Eastborne (to be fair, we didn't actually head into the town itself) we made our way to Brighton. The wind was very light but we managed to sail most of the way and enjoyed the calm weather and the sunshine. The crew & skip now strip off completely as soon as the boat in out of the harbour entrance & those all-over tans are comming on nicely.
Unfortunately, after arrival in Brighton (extortionately expensive & we had to raft-up) there followed insubordination and downright stroppiness from the crew! The skipper dealt with this in a firm and adult manner but the crew continued to be sullen well into the next day untill the crew realized that she was being childish and had to admit to herself (even if not out loud) that the skipper was right and she was wrong. Skipper and crew are now back on good terms with one another.
My free hour is up, will continue in the next days.
Adios amigos