Friday, December 08, 2006


Well, maybe I've exaggerated just slightly in that last entry: I have had more than one woman at the same time, in deep conversation; I have partaken in the alcohol; and I have listened to various genre of music. Well what do you expect, my chick reads this blog!

It's winter, there's no sailing, but there's plenty of other people waiting out the weather here in La Rochelle & I plan to write about some of the characters here but not right now. All in good time.

Less than a week left of being without my crew (ich freu mich schatz x). By the way, I'm not having a good time here at all, it's horrible being alone. (like I say my chick reads this blog!).

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Our hero has been crewless for the last couple of weeks (and clueless for much longer than that, before anyone else says it). So it's been a pretty much endless round of orgies, controlled substances and punkrock!

Shit, my time is up! TBC.....
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