On Tue 29 Jan we dragged ourselves out of bed at 0400 ready to go thru the lifting bridge at 0500. It was, of course, still dark but as the bridge only opens once per day we had no choice.
The river runs right thru the middle of Guadeloupe & so is the shortest route from South to North bu, due to variable depths and silting it is not necessariily the most straightforward. According to the pilot book it shld be looked upon "as adventurous fun rather than a shortcut". Anyway, all went smoothly for us - although one of the other 3 boats ran aground - and we were thru the river and the reefs to the north of it by 0730. In fact we were nearly at Port Louis, our planned destination &, since the sea was calm &, since the forecast for the next days was not good, we decided to press on to Antigua.
40M later we were entering historic English Harbour, past Nelsons' Dockyard & turn left.
I had chosen my prefferred anchorage on the chart but, as allways, you drop the hook where there is room. In this case we were able to anchor exactly where planned, tucked up around the corner, allmost land-locked & v sheltered in about 2.5m of water.
On the way into the harbour Susi had spotted Henry & Lorraine of "Flute II" & we waved a hello & were invited for "a beer". With anchoring so quickly and easily accomplished we were soon aboard "Flute II" where good company turned "a beer" into several more until it was time for Susi & I to go & find some food.
As luck would have it the restaurant 20m from 1494 included on their menu such delicacies as "fisn n chips" and "veggie burgers & chips" and "veggie sausages & mash". Needless to say we looked no further!!