Thurs 17th was my birthday &, after a busy day (refuel, reprovision, passage plan, maintnance), we had planned a celebratory meal out. First we were invitd for a coffee aboard a Brit yacht belonging to Jo, Jane and Molly the one-eyed cat & askd if they could reccommend a decent restaurant. Molly wasn't much help but Jo & Jane gave a tip which turned out to be excellent: The rstaurant was nice enough, altyhough not posh, but the food was fantastic¡ We piggd out on squid, gambas, tortilla, salad, bread, chips and mushrooms washed down with a bottle of rd & dlicios cake to follow. Evrything tastd superb & th bill was less than 24 euro for th two of us¡ A really great birthday evening. (photo: B`day boy with all his presents!).
Next day we left later than plannd (0830) & thought we would probably anchor in Corme. Howeer, with a stiff breeze behind us we were blting along at 5 or 6 knots, running goose-wingd much of th time, som we dcided to push on to Camariñas. The entry was a bit gnarly as the nice tail wind was now on the nose. We droppd the hook around the corner from the marina and today we have walked around to th marina bar for internet and hot choccy.
Weather forecast is not good for the next few days so we will wait here a while before going around Finisterre.