Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This morning My Head Hurts...

Our attempt to beat the record for number of people on an Albin Vega! Actually a party to celebrate Susi becoming 29:

We had enough alcohol onboard for the navy of a small country and then the guests arrived with bottles too! Bev & Alan even supplied a Black Forrest Gateaux which was a very tasty surprise.

Another surprise (of sorts) was that a boat on the next pontoon caught fire! I was beyond doing anything usefull by that stage but I hopped on board a neighbouring boat with Pierre & Charlotte to evacuate it to safety, more for a little joy-ride than anything else really. The fire brigade turned up with divers and hoses and stuff and it was all rather exciting!

The ice between us and the Frenchies now broken we invited them for more drinks. All in all a very successfull & enjoyable evening &, I think, a birthday which Susi can remember!

Puddy Tat

More sailing. This time on a contraption called a "Wind Kart", basically a cat with a sofa placed athwartships and handlebar steering. Susi & I went out for a spin early afternoon & later, when the wind picked up, I went out again with Alan. Good fun to be out on a small boat for a change - and all for free!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Brief update

Events of note since the last entry (or at least those which spring to mind right now) have been a trip to Brissle to visit my folks after which Susi spent two weeks with her family back in "der vaterland"; beach frisbee sessions and drinking sessions with Neil ("Sea Eff") who should by now be in Spain; excellent mussels cooked by Mario ("Argo"); and, yesterday, some extreme kite flying on the Beach with Alan & Bev.

On the 11th we had our first sail of 2007! We went out towards Ile d'Aix and did some sailing excercises as well as just enjoying the feeling of slicing thru the water at up to 6 knots! On our return to the pontoon I caught a pretty big fish which, within half an hour was cooked and eaten. Later still I tried out my new diving mask (xmas gift from Susi) to check the anodes on "Clemmy". As if that wasn't enuf excitement for one day we were then surprised by a thunder shower. All in all a good day!
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