Without my work I feel unfulfilled and lost in society! Not really, it's GREAT! Lots of work on the boat actually but I can honestly say I dont miss going to the office at all (I'll still get paid though, right?).
Attached are a picture after antifouling and one of the forepeak where you can look in awe at the incomplete silver lining. The beaching legs are finished, next up are the windvane and the anchor locker.
Now that I'm full time at the boatyard I've actually spoken to people! There's the couple on one side who are allways at each others throats (but are nice enough to me), then there's "Brody" who, despite serving proffesionally at sea and losing fingers and stuff in the process, doesn't do the North sea because "there's nowhere to run" - oh dear!
Right, that's yer lot. Somehow I don't have the motivation to blog when I'm not being paid handsomely to do it.
Hasta luego.