Wednesday, April 22, 2009

On the road

Some notes on driving in Germany:

If you leave a gap any greater than the thickness of a cigarette paper between you and the car in front, every BMW, Audi and Porsche Cayenne within a 10 mile radius will cut in front of you.

Usually I just accept this as normal German behaviour but, occasionally, if the offending hun is driving particularly dangerously I will flash my lights and my indicators at him or her. I would like to believe that they might get the message that they should indicate in future but, sadly, they probably just think: “Ooo, look at those pretty orange lights, wish I had some.” Actually they probably don’t because they don’t look in their rear view mirrors.

Listening to the radio I am always amazed how many warnings are broadcast of pedestrians, dogs, sheep, deer, bits of wood or metal or tyre, burning cars, defective cars, cars driving on the wrong side of the road and accidents. It sounds like the Gaza Strip!

I’m pretty impressed at the old 416i: I can crank it up to about 90 in relative comfort (as comfortable as is possible with a Beemer stuck to the rear bumper). But the Schumachers in the outside lane make it look like I’m standing still: I see them fly by at about 150, drive right up to some poor unfortunate who is using their road and then put the brakes on. No wonder there are so many accidents.

It's all good fun....


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