I promise never to work on a boat during the North-European winter ever ever again. It's just too dammn cold: Minus 14 deg. this morning, so quite glad to be sitting in a nice warm office, especially since I've managed to catch a cold. This was not so much due the temperatue as to having wet feet all day Saturday from the snow. Here's how the boatyard was looking :
(all pics were taken at the wkend - the false date is due to user/technology incompatability)
Anyway, enuf moaning.
Since Susi was away getting drunk and having fun with her family I was able to devote all my efforts to finishing the portside interior and playing with my new digi camera. As you can hopefully see, it's pretty complete by the last photo even though this was still on the Saturday. During the week I shall get Susi to do lots of varnishing so that next Saturday we can put it all together and we will never have to build another table again!
It was kinda fun really, playing with circular saws, jig saws, belt sanders and drills.
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